Welcome to "The Diary of a Miner"; a blog detailing the adventures and mysteries that I, Syeonyx, embark upon in my quest to further my mining and survival skills! It'll be tough, there will be good times and bad times, but I'll always be alive to post my adventures... probably...

Day 65: Nowhere is safe...

     After yesterday's amazing jail break, I felt very enthusiastic today, even if I had to lie low the entire time. Every corner I came to, I crept around to ensure no-one caught me off guard. Despite all these precautions, I didn't meet anyone the entire day, which was a relief actually... If only I could go home...

     I woke up with the sun! Hiding in a cave facing East was an excellent idea, as it ensured I would get a good start on travelling. I didn't know if they had been looking for me, or if they even knew I had gone! Chances are they did, and so today would be another stealthy mission! I knew it was a bad idea, but I needed to get home, in the hopes that whoever had captured me was not aware of where I lived... But that was unlikely. I'm worried about Chiron, now... I hope nothing bad happens to him... Although if he sees someone coming who he doesn't recognise, I hope he'd treat them as if they were an intruder, and attack them! Although this may not be such a good idea... I didn't have much in the way of equipment with me, except the stuff I recovered from the chest... Then I thought back, and remembered the book that had also been there... Why hadn't I taken it? It was stupid to leave it behind, and going back in to get it was a very stupid idea... It didn't really matter, but the stamp that had been placed on the front of the book set alarm bells ringing in my head... But I couldn't remember why... I had seen it before, but I couldn't place where! Gathering up my things, I pushed it from my mind; today I was going to need to be on top form if I was going to outwit some guards... If there were any to outwit!

     Before setting off, I wanted to try and get my bearings. I exited the cave, and looked all around for any sign of guards, but there was no-one around... The strange tower that I had partially climbed stood to the West of my little cave, and I wanted to take a full photo of it before I left. If I could contact HoN Co. and tell them about THIS! If they ignored this... Well, that depended on whether I could even contact them... For all I knew, there could be guards wandering around my house right now!

     As I finished with the photo, I carefully went down to the waters edge and took a drink. I didn't know when I would get the chance again, and I was so dehydrated from the lack of food over the past couple of days. As I stood up, I noticed a small, strangely shaped island of sand just to the North of the tower... Realising that I had seen that shape before, I looked at the map, and realised that I had seen it from the map! Down int the bottom-left corner of the map was the strangely shaped island, and therefore, the tower just to the south! That meant I was just slightly East of it, and I knew where I was! I was assuming though at this point, but anything to cling onto that might lead me home was enough! If I was were I thought I was, then technically it was a few hours walk East to the outside wall of my area. Instead of going through the mainland, if I skirted the coast along the North, I should get there faster!

     Before setting off East however, I wanted to make sure that I was heading in the right direction by comparing my position with the map. This meant scaling a tall cliff or hill, and looking for other features that appeared on the map. It wasn't long before I found a large cliff that would serve as an excellent vantage point to scope my position. However, scaling it took quite a while. As with the other cliff further East, it didn't have an easily accessible place to go to the top. I eventually found an accessible place to scale the cliff, after walking around for five minutes, all the while, I was trying to ensure I didn't get spotted by anyone! After half an hour, I made it to the top, and using the compass, I looked out towards the Eastern side of the land to look for noticeable landmarks. I would hope that something would appear on the horizon, or closer, that would coincide with the map. As I looked out across the Eastern area, I saw nothing that coincided with the map at all, except a small island near to a beach I couldn't tell if this was the same island, but at least it was a start, so I decided to choose that direction.

     Using the same way to climb down, I quickly found East and decided to stick to the Northern coast, as stated. It would be easier to note which direction I was heading in without constantly referring to the map and the compass, and chances are I was unlikely to be found. If they were looking for me, they probably thought I would go into hiding amongst the trees. I wasn't entirely confident with that assumption, but if I saw anyone, it would be easier seeing them, than if I was hiding within foliage. If the direction I was heading in was accurate, it would take about two to three hours to get to a location where the wall would be visible. I wasn't really interested in how long it took, as I was mainly concerned about getting home. I kept a watchful eye for anything that might give my position away, taking care to walk as quietly, but quickly as possible. This was surprisingly easy as I was walking on sand most of the time, however I was careful not to leave footprints, by walking on dry sand. As I continued, it occurred to me that dry sand would still give my position away, so I began walking on the grass, in the hope to confuse them if they were following me. It was a little noisier, but the area had opened up, and the tree line had shrunk back considerably. Despite being on edge the entire time, and ensuring I kept my eyes and ears open, I was still able to let a small amount of my mind drift off into random thoughts, however the only one that kept coming back was that stamp... I KNOW I had seen it before... It was so familiar... In the depths of my mind, I fished for the answer, but came out with nothing... It was in there somewhere... All it would take is a little time... Or maybe seeing something that related to it...

     After two more hours of walking, I came to a slight incline that lead South. Navigating it, I came around the other side, and saw what I had been hoping to see for a long time!

     I had found the wall! That meant the house - and Chiron - were just over the other side! Despite taking precautions about where I moved on the way to here, the moments from now on would be the most crucial. If anyone was here, then I would need to be extra vigilant. I couldn't hear anyone, and I couldn't see anyone, but it was unlikely they would post anyone on the outside of the wall. If they did this, they were liable to scare me off before I got close enough! I hoped I was smart enough to see this being the case. I could be overreacting! There might not be anyone here! Whoever captured me might not know where I lived... But if they had followed me, then it was likely they would soon find out. Regardless, it was better to overreact and laugh about it later, then be lax with my attitude and get caught! Before getting too close to the wall, I tried to analyse the best course of action. The back gate was still locked, and even if it wasn't it was likely to be guarded. The front gate would also be guarded, and with the HoN Co. ship being there, it was likely there would be guards on both sides of the front gate! That left one option: the secret entrance. I could get to it, into the tower and survey the area from relative secrecy. But getting to the entrance would mean being completely exposed for a few minutes. If they had posted anyone on the walls, the best place to move would be under the small lip of the wall that ran the entire length of each side, both internally and externally. It was wide enough to hide under if someone looked down, and would also prevent my shadow from being seen! Putting the plan into action, I sprang from my hidden position, and instantly leapt under the lip of the first wall. I hadn't seen anyone walking along the walls, but the risk was not worth taking. I ran along the far Western wall to the South, until the beach began, and the wall took a left turn. I stopped at the corner, and peered round to see if there was anyone on the wall that ran perpendicular to the wall to the left. Noticing no-one, I ran around the corner, and sprinted the entire way to the corner where the two lips joined. I was nearly there!

     I could see the entrance from here, but if anyone was on the wall, it was then that would most likely see me. Using the lip for as long as possible, I jogged along the wall until I was standing in front o the entrance. Looking left and right, I jumped forwards, removed a board and then dived into the hole! I then replaced the wooden board, with cat-life reflexes! I was surprised at my own athleticism! Although it was possibly due to the situation that I was performing as I was. From here it would be a cinch, until I tried to access the tower. If someone was already in it, the plan would fail immediately! I was just glad I had installed the trapdoor with the holes in it, so I could see beforehand if anyone was there. Climbing the ladder, I did so as quietly as I could, until I reached the top. I peered through the holes, looking for any sign of anyone, but there was nothing to indicate so. Carefully, and quietly, I raised the trapdoor, and climbed through. Staying low to the floor, I closed the trapdoor, and looked out across the two walls. There was no-one there! Then I stopped. I could hear voices... Looking over the edge of the tower, onto the beach side near to the ship, I saw two people, who were dressed in the same clothes as the guards, when I was back in the cell. They were here? Already? Admittedly I had slept the night, but that was fast. It made me wonder what else they knew about me. I looked towards the house, hoping that no-one was there, but in the window, I saw a shadow... A familiar shadow... The figure was in my house! Instantly, I began scanning the immediate area for Chiron, but he was nowhere to be seen... What had they done to him? A seething anger began to boil inside of me, and I had to put a lot of effort into stopping my emotions take over, and began running towards the house! This would get me, and Chiron, nowhere!

     I sat in the tower, with my back to the house, for a long time. No-one saw me, but I knew staying here would mean getting caught sooner or later. I didn't know what to do! They had Chiron! They had found my house and were guarding it! What had I done except help THEROS destroy a series of things that were obviously evil?!?! I was so confused... But even with this fresh information in my mind, I still kept thinking back to the stamp on the book... I HAD seen it before, but I couldn't figure out where... Was it even of relevance? Knowing I wasn't safe in the tower, I shook the thought from my head for the millionth time, and descended the ladder... Where would I go now? There was nowhere safe nearby, but then again I couldn't be sure if ANYWHERE was safe anymore... The only place I could go was... I stopped and thought about it... It was perfect! Rushing down the rest of the ladder, and up the tunnel, I made sure I was careful and quiet removing the boards, replacing them and running back beneath the lip of the wall. The strange mossy cobblestone chamber I had found back months ago! It was the perfect place to hide out! It had a strange cage inside, but I could make short work of that, secure it with dirt or something, and hope that some of the torches were still working from when I put them up! I got back to the portion of the wall I had been when I first saw it. Now it took an immediate turn to the right, but the lip continued the entire way along. I sprinted underneath it the entire way until I got to the corner and then made sure the coast was clear. Another corner and I was there! I rushed up the strange steps that had been worn away, to find a pitch black chamber except for the light emitting from the cage in the centre of the room. I entered the chamber, hoping nothing was in here, and felt along the wall for a wooden torch that had burnt out. Eventually finding one, I shoved it in through the bars of the cage and waited until it caught fire, and then put it back on the wall. The flickering yellow glow filled the room eerily, but it was enough light to see by for the moment. Any more light and I might give my position away. I went back outside and found a large rock, and went back in and smashed the cage flat! As with the others, once the cage had been opened, the skeleton inside disappeared in a flash of light, a puff of smoke and a horrid sawing noise! Worried that the flash would alert anyone looking in my direction, I took the strips of metal from the cage, and used it as a crowbar to cause a small landslide! After a few minutes of poking and pulling, I had made enough dirt fall into place to cover the hole that had been there. I then took the other torch sticks and re-lit them using the already lit torch. It didn't matter how much light was made now, I was secured!

     I don't know how much time has passed since blocked the hole, but it was nearing midday when I got here! I didn't really mind that half the day was being missed... To be honest, I needed the time to relax, rest and get my head into gear! What was the next course of action? I didn't know what to do... I only had a small dagger, the strange stone, the map and compass with me... That, and the small strips of metal from the cage, and the wood from the chests that had been here since I first found the chamber! Maybe I could put them to use! I would have to wait though. For now, I was getting some well needed rest! If only I had some food... Maybe getting to the ship is the first plan of action tomorrow...

Syeonyx signing off

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