Before rushing out to get the note, I decided to try something which was highly unlikely to work. Going into the chest, I took out a piece of meat and unwrapped it. I then placed it on the floor outside near the doorstep, and waited... I watched the other wolf as it watched me; he saw me place the meat down, and he definitely seemed interested in it... As I backed off, he began panting, and when I was back in the doorway, he bent down, picked the note up and trotted over to the door. Looking expectantly at me, he dropped the note and began eating it! Wow! Had that really just worked? I wasn't going to do anything to it, but the trust it put in me was bizarre! That was the first stage down with... Was it likely to allow me to give it a message for THEROS? Suppose I would find out. I left the doorway, watching the wolf the entire time, and stooped to pick up the note. The wolf kept eating whilst I unraveled the note and looked at it. Pretty much as I expected... They didn't seem to know what danger I was in... or cared...
"You must return to the temple underneath the hidden house and destroy the two remaining portals. This will strike a heavy blow against our enemy!
I had a feeling this note to THEROS was going to inform them greatly as to my current circumstances, and what has happened recently. They're acting as though I have been doing nothing! Escaping the cell of a random prison in the middle of nowhere guarded by who knows and run probably by the figure! Or HoN Co.... I went back inside and retrieved the note, which I rolled up and tied a loose piece of string around. Going back outside, the wolf was still eating happily, so I waited. When it was finished, I showed the note to it. Oddly enough, instead of doing something expected like growling at me, or cocking its head to one side in a confused manner, it snatched the note from my hand and ran off! Was that it? Was it guaranteed that THEROS would get that? Or would the wolf bury it or purposely lose it along the way... I assumed it would take it to THEROS, and then it would be a case of waiting. Well, having said that I still had to wait for a reply. I was terrible at waiting, especially when I was expecting something to arrive... I wouldn't know what else to do. It could be later on today, it could be tomorrow, or some day this week. It might be weeks! I doubted it, now knowing the wolf knew my location, and seemed to be extremely fast when travelling. I suppose I would have to find something... Maybe the cow was ready to milk... Or was that a bad idea...?
Satisfied that the note had said all that was necessary, I went into the chest and took out a bucket. The next hour or so was going to be "entertaining"... For someone at least. As went outside, I noticed the cow was still there, doing the usual cow things that cows do... Presumably... It didn't flinch, or even seem to care when I entered through the door and stood there watching it. I approached it, but it never displayed any sign to tell me to stop. It just stood there chewing, watching me approach...
As I got closer, the cow became more intrigued than scared; it began to approach me. When I was a few feet away, it stopped and we stood there staring at each other for a few minutes. I had a bad feeling that something was going to go badly wrong, and for a moment I was going to pull out. My mind was on other things at the time, but even then I knew this could prove very painful! I closed the small gap between us, and extended a hand to touch it. It backed off slightly, but then came and nuzzled my hand. Was this good? I tried to reassure it, and I know this sounds weird, but I think I managed it. Eventually, I plucked up the courage and bent down, placing the bucket on the floor. The next five minutes was surprisingly peaceful and uneventful. The cow let me milk her! The entire time! There was no sign of distress at any point... Feeling rather pleased with myself, I patted the cow, and walked out of the pen. Brilliant! That went... brilliantly! I went back inside and looked into the bucket; it was nearly full of frothy thick milk. Taking a bowl from the chest I had used for soup, I scooped some up and drank it. It tasted so good!!! It was possibly the sweetest thing I had ever tasted! This was delicious! There was so much more I could do now that I had milk, and access to more as and when I needed it. For the moment, I was content with just drinking it, however. After finishing the bowl, I refilled it and placed it on the floor for Chiron. Sniffing it cautiously at first, he then began lapping it up vigorously. It's not just me then...
I've noticed that recently the weather has been much different to what I expected. It has rained for a while and it's been getting warmer and warmer. The air is really humid, and I've been sweating just by sitting in the house. I had an idea to cool down, and it turns out to be very effective! I decided to go down into the small room that was hidden by a lever from the main library. I had noticed it was very cool in there, despite the proximity to a lava channel! I spent the rest of the day down there, reading different books, drinking milk and generally trying to keep cool. I've read quite a few books, well... I say "read" but I've flicked through them reading the interesting bits... I think I've learnt a few techniques in fishing, which means I'll probably need to make another fishing rod, with the other back at the house. My old one is still back at the house! I've read a bit about calligraphy and the psychology behind it. It's very fascinating! And it's a great way to distract myself from the current situation. I might move my bed down here, or just sleep here instead! I was right though, it was refreshingly cool down here! I even managed to bring Chiron down here and he seems to love it! I would have thought he would try to go to sleep, but he's playing games with the pressure plates and the hidden door! He'll run towards it and then stop, watch the doors opens, bark a few times and then run to the other side, where he then proceeds to repeat the process! I'm glad he's enjoying himself, because I have a feeling that I'm going to go travelling again, and I'll have to leave him behind for safety's sake. Or I could bring him with me... Provided I can find a way to keep him under control... He's bound to give me away!
I fell asleep... For the first time in my life I fell asleep in the afternoon! I feel so old now! Admittedly so has Chiron... In fact he's still asleep! I was hoping I wouldn't do this for years to come... Then again, I've been put through a lot of stress recently, and I am really tired. Not to mention the total attempt at sleeping last night! It's finally all caught up with me... Well I just hope that THEROS takes a few days with their reply. I don't think I'm physically ready for any more travelling just yet...
Syeonyx signing off
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