Today brought about the end of another portal, and the introduction of something new and exciting! It was most unexpected, but most definitely not unwanted!
I awoke today considerably later then planned, but I had just spent the last few days walking miles and miles to retrieve specific artifacts to help me in the quest against the portals! I had earned the lie-in! Eventually getting up though, I prepared the few things I would need to take with me to the portal. Now that I knew what it took to destroy one, my bag was considerably light! I packed the stone, the map and slung the bow and quiver over my shoulder. There was no need for anything else as it was simply an hour row there and back! It would all be over before the end of the day, so there was no need to take shelter or food. However, before I left, I ate a hearty breakfast to keep my strength up; I had a feeling that I was going to need it, and not just for rowing! The Creepers were still likely to be there protecting the portal, so it wasn't simply a case of destroy the portal and return home. I filled the quiver to make sure I wouldn't run out, and as a precautionary measure, I slung the sword through the belt loop. I didn't really like idea of up close and personal with a Creeper, let alone most things, but it would have to do just in case!
I secured the front door, and made my way to the back gate round near to the forest and forge. I hadn't checked yet, but I hoped that the forest hadn't burned down again, or that the forge had been attacked! I don't think I could take it if that was the case! As I went down the wooden walkway, I could see that the forest was still standing, as was the forge; thank goodness! Passing under the crude minetrack bridge, I admired the small forest as i passed underneath, down the path on my way to the rear gate. It was beautiful, and the wildflowers had really begun to establish themselves! Which reminded me; I still hadn't tried extracting a dye from those flowers I had taken a few days earlier! I continued onward down the path, realising the slight error I had made in getting to the boat; I couldn't lock the gate and then escape via a tunnel access to the outside because I hadn't set one up! I turned back and went all the way round to the beach side gate, where I let myself out from the tower! I then continued my way back around the long way to the small bay where I had left the boat; it was still tied up and partially beached. I dumped the small bag of contents into the chest and then pushed the boat out into deeper water, before getting in and picking up the oars. I then began the hour long journey across to the North edge of the map to take out the portal I found quite some time ago!
I must need more rest than I thought; after dragging the boat back onto the shore of the other island, my arms ached like hell! I leaned against the boat for a few moments, getting my breath back, hoping the pain my arms would go away. After a little while, I stood up and took the map and stone from the chest. Orientating myself correctly, I began to head North in the direction of the portal, towards a more accurate point I had marked with my map! It only took about half an hour, and it didn't seem that long as I could still remember the small familiar things with the trees and surroundings. It wasn't long before I could hear the echoey dripping noise of the portal, and I stood just above it on a little rise. Looking down, I could see the cobblestone floor and the strange cage that had been there last time, but no Creepers! Had they gone? I walked around to the left hand side, following the edge of the pit until I was practically opposite it, where I could find a safe way down. But before I could get the chance, I found out where the Creepers had been...
I bent down low, trying not to be seen, but I instantly saw one look my way and open it's mouth into a horrid, gaping maw, hissing like a snake! The other Creepers turned to look in my direction, and each in turn did the same thing, and began advancing towards me! I placed the map and the stone on the floor and took out the bow and an arrow, and got ready to fire! I didn't know if they were clever enough to find a way out of the pit first, or just try to get to me through a wall, but I never found out... I didn't see it happen, but the stone I had placed down on the ground must have rolled off the edge into the pit. The Creepers stopped dead in their tracks, and then began to retreat, hissing continuously in unison! Lowering the bow and arrow, and watched the Creepers for a few moments, trying to understand what was happening? I looked behind me, thinking that something worse had crept up on me, but there was nothing there... I looked down, but I could see the stone where I had left it, on top of the map... Putting the arrow away, I peered over the edge into the pit and saw the yellow stone, still rolling slightly from its fall! The Creepers... Were they afraid of the stone...? As I watched, they no longer seemed interested in me, but where tripping over themselves to get to the other side of the pit, the entire time, looking back down where the stone lay. I slung the bow back over my shoulder, picked up the map and made my way down to the stone... I picked it up, and looked from it, to the Creepers, who were now looking at me and hissing! I advanced closer towards them, and they noticeably recoiled in, what I took for, horror! I continued advancing until I was only a few feet away from them, and then they did something I didn't expect; they began to pass into the portal, and through the rift, to the Nether!
Staying where I was, I outstretched my hand, allowing the stone to be in closer proximity to the remaining Creepers! They shrieked and hissed in terror, stumbling over each other to get through the portal! Was what was on the other side really better than a stone...? I didn't understand... Why did the Creepers have a fear of this stone? I knew it was used to destroy portals, which in turn destroyed all things that belonged to the portal or the rift, but why did they act the way they did? The only conclusion I could come to was a rather startling one... The Creepers must originate from the Nether! Putting this from my mind, I wanted to quickly destroy this portal before the Creepers had a chance to come back! For all I knew, they could be gathering forces ready to overwhelm me! I placed the stone on the base of the portal, as I had yesterday, and waited the same length of time. Once again, the brightness of the yellow ebbed from the stone and merged with the rift of the portal, making the same sickly green colour. The portal then began to fracture, as the rift turned into a swirling, green vortex which began to consume the obsidian construction! I watched as the last remnants of the portals disappeared through th rift, and it eventually collapsed inwardly on itself due to a lack of sustainable energy! I heard a thud noise, as the now totally transparent stone fell to the floor. I waited a few moments until the stone became visible, before retrieving it! As I did, I was rather intrigued by the large opening that had been concealed by the rift of the portal! It was the same size as the portal, and led off left into a dark pit!
The stone began to turn visible, regaining its yellow color quickly! I picked it up and put it into my bag, and ventured forth towards the pit. As I did, I noticed a large amount of light streaming out from below! Was this another entrance or something more sinister? The stone hadn't been glowing so it was unlikely to be another portal... Although it hadn't had time to fully charge yet, so it might not be functioning yet! As I continued, my fears were quelled as I saw the result of the light; a small trickle of lava poured from a hole set in the wall! Not that this wasn't entirely surprising at all; I was rather concerned, but considerably less so knowing it wasn't as a result of something sinister...
I continued down, going carefully past the lava, to see what other mysteries this place might hold, but after a few moments of searching, I found it led back to the surface where a few small surface holes had emerged... Going back, I climbed back out of the pit, and headed back South towards the boat. It was another hour back and I still had the afternoon to myself! I had a lot to think about, now that I had nothing to do. Two portals destroyed in two days! I was racking up a good score!
As i rowed back, I couldn't help but think about the Creepers; they were scared of the stone! They looked at it with abject horror, as though they knew what it could do... But I wasn't aware it was even a danger to them until the display they put on today! I began to worry that it might just be an animalistic way of knowing something's not right... Maybe something I wasn't able to pick up on... I doubted the stone was dangerous to me... I had had it in my possession for a little over two days, and nothing unexpected had happened to me! In fact, the stone had proved to be very helpful at both destroying portals and repelling the Creepers that guarded one! Now I knew what THEROS meant about it being powerful and the figure probably wanting it! So far, THEROS had been considerably more helpful than HoN Co. had been... They hadn't even contacted me about my random lack of communication! Maybe the way to get through to them was to ignore them... Maybe they would finally come to my quadrant if they thought I had disappeared...
I've just got home and the wheat is just about ready to harvest! I'll have something to do this afternoon after all! As I took the stone back upstairs, I noticed that I had received a message from HoN Co. while I was out... I thought for a while about ignoring them, knowing it was a potentially fatal plan if it blew up in my face! But they weren't exactly jumping to help me at the moment... Worried that I would accidentally send a confirmation back by opening it, I hit delete, and walked out to collect my harvest... Let's see how HoN Co. liked that...
Syeonyx signing off
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